100% Organic Cotton Fabrics
For home sewers, businesses, retailers, and anyone who gives a scrap!
My customers and friends know I end most of my emails with the quote from Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." That small group committed to organic cotton just added a BIG NAME endorsement with the impending release of: Organic Soul by Amy Butler for Rowan. The collection contains nine prints on 44/45" wide organic cotton fabric. You don't have to wait very much longer; the fabric will be shipping to retailers in mid August. Here are some photos of the loveliness in action . . . ![]() Amy is a dear friend and so this is EXTRA special and exciting for me. I thought I would take the opportunity to ask Amy a few questions... Why did you decide to release an organic collection? It's something that I've wanted to do for years, and we finally found a great source for high-quality, GOTS certified organic cotton. It's close to my heart, and I want to support it in any way I can. I'm hoping that by supporting the industry through making choices to buy organic, that it can eventually become "the way" and not the exception. What does organic mean to you? I want to live my life and run my business as sustainably as I can. It's a consciousness that we have in our home and studio. Simple choices we make like raising our garden organically, buying local organic foods, walking or biking instead of driving, just being healthy and living simply. How we affect our surroundings gives us an appreciation and respect for ourselves. Supporting the organic movement to me is not revolutionary, it just makes sense for the long term health of everyone. I feel that choosing organics whenever I can supports an optimistic vision of my future, our future, and every little bit helps. Thanks Amy! I am hopeful that your commitment will get the attention of many more people as we strive together to make sustainable living/eating/crafting/dressing/being the norm. I too agree that it is the simple choices repeated daily that create our lives and the world we live in. If you are interested in learning more about why organic textiles are a sustainable option, please visit these 2 informational pages on the Harmony Art web site: Why Organic Cotton? and The (r)evolution of textiles. In the spirit of sustainability, please leave a comment about what small step(s) you are taking to live a more environmentally thoughtful life and you will be entered to win a selection of Amy's sewing patterns. Comments must be posted by Tuesday, August 2nd for a chance to win. Thanks Mallory for organizing and including Harmony Art in the blog tour! Be sure to continue Amy's blog tour as she visits with the ladies at See How We Sew on Tuesday, August 2nd for more information about her new Voile fabrics!
7/27/2011 11:57:10 pm
We are working hard to buy products in packaging that can be recycled, we have plans to start a compost pile very soon, we don't drive any more than necessary, buying organic when possible, using less water and electicity...all small steps, but they add up :)
Sheri H
7/27/2011 11:58:23 pm
I have been trying to become more enviromentally friendly...small steps add up, right? I have replaced all my light bulbs with compact flourescent bulbs. I make sure to turn off and unplug everything not in use. AND my newest thing I've just started...making my own cloth shopping bags. (using my scraps of Amy Butler fabrics of course!)
Lindsi H
7/28/2011 12:04:17 am
My husband support a local farm in out town through a CSA. We also bring our own bags when we go shopping, even clothes shopping! Thanks for the giveaway!
7/28/2011 12:55:08 am
I only use dishwasher and washing machine when I have full loads, and am making the most of summer by drying clothes on the line - just like mum used to!
7/28/2011 01:03:50 am
I have decided to go paper towel free in my home. At times a bit challenging but it is amazing what a linen dish towel can do. Also, I rarely eat processed food for both health reasons and the environment.
7/28/2011 01:04:47 am
i have almost worn the wheels off my stroller from taking my son on errands walking instead of driving in the car- so many benefits for me, for him, and the environment! we get our produce through an organic CSA to cut down pesticide use, make most of our food to cut our packaging consumption, use only cloth bags at the store, consolidate our car errands when we have to run them, and fill jugs to water plants when we have to run the water to get some hot through the pipes. i could go on and on! there is so much to do that is pretty simple and painless!
Valerie Boudier
7/28/2011 01:17:17 am
I recycle everything that I can, only wash clothes when I have a full load and line dry or hang on clothes horse indoors - I don't have a dryer, don't have a dishwasher - wash dishes in sink once a day, reuse shopping bags, some cloth. I save water run off to get hot to soak pots and water plants
Michele O
7/28/2011 01:27:47 am
We generally try to not be wasteful and to make "green" choices for our household buying...more importantly, we instill these values in our kids.
7/28/2011 01:29:33 am
Well, I like to walk when possible, recycle, donate rather than throw away, thrift shop, we have a garden and blueberry bushes, composting is on the "to do list", use cloth grocery bags, turn off the lights when not in use, make homemade rather than buy packaged foods....etc. These are small steps that just make sense as stewards of all this plenty we've been given!
7/28/2011 02:17:35 am
Let me see--sort of unconsciously I'm contributing because I use fluorescent bulbs, I'm a faithful thrift store supplier :D, turn everything off if not in use, use my own shopping bags, and have my own water distiller.
7/28/2011 02:17:58 am
We reuse and recycle whenever possible.
7/28/2011 02:20:27 am
Reduce, reuse and recycle.....less water, less electricity; more walking to where I need to go....sewing so as not to purchase clothing or pet blankets. Bring my own bags to shopping.
Kim McIntosh
7/28/2011 02:25:31 am
We support sustainable power through bullfrog power. We walk and ride our bikes as often as we can, buy our food from local farms, and use cloth diapers for our daughter.
7/28/2011 02:34:34 am
We reuse the coffee ground for our acid-loving plants like blue berries, Hydrangeas and Rhododendron. I take bus to work instead of driving. And I try to plan ahead before driving so I can stop by several places to get the most done out of driving. In order to cut down on shopping for clothes, I would ask myself if I 'need' it or I 'want' it. I do not buy it if I just 'want' it. It is hard to do but it works sometimes :)
I just took a BIG step to lead a more eco-friendly life by challenging myself to only buy secondhand (or handmade) for a whole year. I included organic cotton in my exceptions so this news about organic Amy Butler prints coming out is very exciting!
7/28/2011 12:03:38 pm
In our home, we went from two cars to one, and use our bikes at every opportunity. I also walk to and from work all year (in the snow capital of the US!). I compost and recycle. I have two rain barrels that I use to water our small garden. When I craft, I love to upcycle and recycle! And, as a dyer and fiber fun-addict, I have reduced my use of electricity and water in my crafting. In fact, this summer, I'm teaching sustainable crafting to kids in the inner city library. Oh, and I shop locally often! We have fabulous farmer's markets and DIY'ers.
7/28/2011 12:35:06 pm
My local farmers market wanted a vendor to sell market bags so I used recyled upholstery fabric to create a little booth to add to the assortment. It's really a great feeling to see someone with thier veggies in your bag.
7/28/2011 01:04:43 pm
I compost, try to bike to work as much as possible and installed a rain barrel.
I try to follow the 3 R's as much as possible.
Lizzy Marie
7/29/2011 06:41:23 am
As someone who as always been aware (even as a child), I always try to reuse/recycle whatever I can. It has been a really good creativity motivator b/c you really have to think when it comes to using it as art! It's so amazing to see so many people who are passionate about doing good not only for ourselves, but our planet most of all. We only have one Mother. ;)
I will always walk and encourage my family to walk when ever possible to reduce our carbon footprint. We also recycle all of our packaging and garden waste where possible. This includes garden cuttings/waste, packaging, glass jars etc. I use energy saving light bulbs and also reusable bags when I go shopping. My dad is also a great organic gardener, I'm very fortunate to be able to have my salad and veg from him.
7/30/2011 03:16:58 am
We get a box every week from "The Produc Box" a non-traditional CSA which allows farmers to contact them whenever they have extra.
Marissa Dettmer
7/31/2011 12:02:36 pm
Simple things like line drying clothes and growing as many vegetables as possible to can and freeze. Reusing every scrap of fabric as garage rags or stuffing for pillows. Donating every outgrown or unwanted piece of clothing and sending them on to friends or family that need them. As few lights on as possible and teaching my child that the TV is not the ultimate form of entertainment.
8/1/2011 01:29:14 am
These are gorgeous! I'm an environmental scientist by training and a clothing designer by passion, but have been disappointed to find not that many organic, sustainable cloth options. What you are doing gives me hope for my future line!
8/1/2011 11:10:18 am
What am I doing to live more sustainably?
8/1/2011 12:04:05 pm
I garden organically, dump all appropriate food left overs and weeds to compost, use my own cups for coffee and water, drive less, walk more. Recycle.
Laura Hojnacke
8/2/2011 04:00:36 am
We recycle, reuse, and repurpose as much as possible. I bring my own bags to the grocery store. We drive as little as possible.
8/10/2011 12:09:45 pm
We don't own a car or a dryer. In my small company employees do not use plastic water bottles and if they go out for coffee they bring their own cup (it isn't a rule but they get lots of brownie points and that seems to be enough:) We turn off all electronics at the source, amazing what you save by not using vampire power. I bring our own bag when I shop and I don't go for 'fast fashion.'
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Harmony Susalla
Founder of Harmony Art organic design. Archives
June 2022