100% Organic Cotton Fabrics
For home sewers, businesses, retailers, and anyone who gives a scrap!
I happen to believe that our collective buying power is one of the most incredible tools we have for cleaning up our environment. I know it is easy to blame multi-national, greedy corporations for the plight of the planet but the reality is that they are big because we feed them - that is we buy their products. So what can we do? Start making more thoughtful choices. Every time you opt for a healthier product you send a direct message to big companies. Believe me - they are watching!
Sounds easy, but who has the time to research every product? Not me! Buying organic products is probably the easiest change to make because of the NOP standards and seal for organics, but what about my laundry detergent, sunscreen, etc? Fret not, there is help on the way! My friend Ann works with GoodGuide - a web site designed to help you make more educated choices about the products you buy. In fact, GoodGuide provides the world's largest and most reliable source of information on health, environmental and social impacts of the products in your home. But wait, there's more! They even have a FREE iPhone app so you can get the rating when you are at the store. The future of thoughtful shopping is here! Thanks Ann! Thanks GoodGuide. We need you. Now if I only owned an iPhone . . .
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Harmony Susalla
Founder of Harmony Art organic design. Archives
June 2022