100% Organic Cotton Fabrics
For home sewers, businesses, retailers, and anyone who gives a scrap!
Thank YOU for participating in the Lunch Bag Freebie sponsored by our dear friends at The Green Bag Lady project! I will be contacting the winners directly by email but I thought I would post them here as well. If you are a winner and haven't heard from me yet, please email me your mailing address so we can get your winnings out to you. 1. The Grand Prize Lunch Bag Set - Michelle Bellavance 2. The Fat Quarters - Mary & Danielle Jankowski 3. Harmony Art Green Bag Lady Bags - Jessica & Stardove CONGRATULATIONS!!! I also wanted to share with you this video made by my 12 year old friend on Child Labor. Yes, you read me correctly... she is TWELVE! Note that almost all of the images of child labor are of textile plants in the USA! Yes, it is easy to think of other countries (China, Bangladesh, etc.) when you think of child labor but the fact is that here in the good ol' USA textile mills were notorious for such labor practices. Take three minutes and watch Margaux's video. I think you will find it and the images of textile mills fascinating. Note: I am happy to report that ALL Harmony Art organic fabrics are made under strict fair-trade standards (as defined by the Global Organic Textile Standards). We are committed to having our fabrics be a part of the solution, not the exploitation of people or planet.
I meant to post this on Monday, but life sort of got in the way. Although the video isn't really about MLK Jr., it does quote him both at the beginning and at the end of this talk by Nic Marks titled: The Happy Planet Index. It's 16 minutes long and definitely worth watching/listening to, in my opinion.
If you aren't already familiar with the website TED it has just a ton of interesting lectures by people around the globe on all sorts of topics and all of them are FREE. Worth watching. Thanks Carol for sending me this link. My friend Mary Sue shared this video with me. It really resonated. Last year, I almost made the decision to expand Harmony Art. After much soul searching and a few tears and sleepless nights, I made the decision to cherish what I had rather than racing after more. This video summed up in 3 minutes what took me about three months to figure out. My life IS rich... and for that I am grateful. How do you define your "wealth"? This picture was taken by one of my favorite artists/activists, Chris Jordan. It was not staged or altered in any way. You can see more of his pictures from the gyre on his web site. Big thanks to Laura of Meadowsweet Organics for emailing me this link.
The video for the week is another Chris Jordan moment from TED. It's 11 minutes long and, in my opinion, well worth the time. Chris is as eloquent with his words as he is with his photos. Credit and thanks for the video link goes to The Green Bag Lady, who by the way, is currently running another bag giveaway. (Deadline is midnight Wednesday so better get over there quick and get your free bag.) This video is longer than most (18 minutes). I am posting it in hopes that AB 1998 gets voted on and passed today... it's our last chance for this session of the State Senate.... fingers are crossed. Thanks Green Bag Lady for turning us on to this video.
On a MUCH happier note, last week my namesake Harmony Grace and her family came for a visit from Albany, NY. We had a grand time. Here is a picture I just couldn't resist sharing with you. Are they (Mary and Harmony Grace) cute or what?! On July 5th the Green Bag Lady and her family arrived from Nashville for two weeks of Summer Art Camp at the Gualala Art Center. One afternoon last week, after art camp, the 11 year old decided to make a Harmony Art commercial and this is what she came up with with absolutely NO help. I can only imagine what she will be creating when she's 15! Thanks M (and E)!
This coming Wednesday, July 14th, we will be hosting two Green Bag Lady bag giveaways in Gualala. If you live in the area, stop by the Gualala Supermarket at 4pm and the Surf Super at 5pm to get your very own FREE Green Bag Lady bag. The only catch is you have to promise to use it rather than paper or plastic. Also, if you live in the area, our local radio station: KTDE 100.5 FM will be re-airing an interview with Teresa and me about The Green Bag Lady project this Wednesday at 5pm. I will try to get my hands on a recording and post it on this blog, if I can. Stay tuned. We are having a great summer and hope you are too! First up is a video essay about cotton farming in India produced by Greenpeace. The information isn't new, but the images are beautiful and if you aren't aware of the plight of India's cotton farmers this is a quick and easy tutorial. Enjoy.
If you are like me, the oil spill in the Gulf is weighing heavy on your head and heart. I truly believe we haven't even begun to realize the long term effects of this disaster. This video parody falls into the category of: sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Also, If you haven't yet heard about how to donate hair and fur to the clean up effort, here's a link to the official Matter of Trust site. Since videos are the theme today, here's a link to a video explaining Matter of Trust's work. |
Harmony Susalla
Founder of Harmony Art organic design. Archives
June 2022